you can fly

I see a butterfly that is a cloud that is not a butterfly at all, but it is still flying.  🙂



Just a reminder that you can fly.  No one will do it for you and a lot of people will tell you that you can’t, but you can.  You can fly and you can sing and you can dance and be silly.  You can hike into the mountains and stroll into the valleys.  You can decide to be ok just as well as you can decide to be miserable.  You can make the best of the worst and, of course, the worst of the best, but please don’t ruin a great moment just to prove that you can!

You can smile and laugh and love and live with intent and you can come alongside someone who appears to be going through their own sort of hell.  You can rhyme and you can hope for the best even if it seems impossible.  You can pray and have faith that God works in your life – you can stumble and fall and get up better for the tumble.  You can encourage others just for the sake of encouraging them and you can go to bed exhausted from living a day.

You can Love.  Give it a try – it feels like flying.

Just thought I’d give you a little reminder…

“warm happy day”

I just went to let a puppy out, passed my guitar, picked it up, and brought it in here (kitchen) to play some.  Thing is, I had just uploaded this pic and was going to post on here.  Short attention span…

What I really was going to do was tell you about that picture, there.  Or rather, the day I took it.  You’ve been seeing a lot of pics from this past Tuesday and today is no different.  I titled the file in my picture library as “warm happy day”.  🙂

Today is not so warm, but just as happy or more. 

A question was asked of me today (Sunday) and I am going to ask it of you…  “What are you doing in your life right now that requires faith in God?”  I don’t really expect an answer.  Just thought I’d share with you something that made me think today.

much love to you and yours, M